/ Sponsored Research and Programs

OSRP Workshops

The Office of Sponsored Research and Programs is pleased to share the recordings of past training opportunities here, and sample successful proposals below.

For any questions about the webinars or issues with the links below, please contact the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (sponsoredresearch@hope.edu).

Workshop: Developing Your Project Statement of Need

Your primary project proposal/statement/problem serves as an introduction to your proposal and must give an effective overview of your project. Learn strategies to draw in your reader and workshop your drafts with the group. (Recorded October 2021)

  • (includes links to worksheets and models)
Workshop: Developing Your Project Plan, Scope of Work or Methodology

These sections of your proposal demonstrate how you will undertake your project. Learn strategies for planning these and communicating your plan clearly to readers. Develop strategies to include the appropriate personnel in your project. Workshop your drafts with the group. (Recorded October 2020)

  • (includes links to worksheets)
Workshop: Measuring Your Project’s Impact: Developing Effective Evaluation Plans

Many proposals ask for an evaluation plan and most grants require a final report demonstrating your project's impact. Learn the importance of evaluation and how to undertake it. Planning your project's evaluation from the start will save you time and headaches in the end. Workshop your drafts with the group. (Recorded February 2021)

  • (includes links to worksheets)
Proposal Budgets 101

Learn the basics of federal and institutional principles in developing a sponsored project budget. Learn some of the key factors to consider in developing your budget, including personnel costs, travel, project dissemination, data management, evaluation, and other expenses. (Recorded January 2021)

  • 101 ,
  • 102 ,
  • 103 ,
  • 104 ,
Finding Short-Term Research Funds

Are you hoping to spend some time on your summer or winter break traveling to do research? This session will help you search for funding opportunities to get you to that library or research center. (Recorded November 2021)

  • (includes links to sample opportunities)
National Science Foundation (NSF) and the 2023 Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide
Considering an application to the National Science Foundation? The NSF will be issuing a new PAPPG with an anticipated effective date of January 2023, which applies to applications due from that date onwards. This session provides a high-level overview of key changes coming to NSF proposal preparation and submission. (Recorded September 2022). Note: if your proposal is due before January 2023, please view the 2021 PAPPG session below, instead.
National Science Foundation (NSF) and the 2021 Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide

Considering an application to the National Science Foundation in 2021 or beyond? The NSF has issued a new PAPPG, which applies to applications with a due date of Oct. 4th 2021 or later. This session provides a high-level overview of key changes coming to NSF proposal preparation and submission. (Recorded September 2021) Note: if your proposal will be due from Jan. 2023 onwards, please view the 2023 PAPPG session above, instead.

Grant-Seeking 101 at Hope College

What do you need to know to start applying for grants at Hope College? Learn about college resources, policies, and procedures and what the Office of Sponsored Research can do for you. We’ll cover the mysteries of SPIN/SMARTS, HSRB, HCACUC, fringe, and indirects, and have time for Q&A. (Recorded October 2022)

Good News, You Got the Award! Now What?!

This session will introduce you to the next steps for managing your award, including financial management, understanding terms and conditions, and reporting. The Office of Sponsored Research can support you in this process! (Recorded February 2022)

The Reviewer's Perspective

What happens to your funding proposals once you submit them? In this session, hear from your Hope colleagues who have served as reviewers as they share their experiences and offer advice from the reviewer’s perspective. Hey, you might even consider volunteering to review proposals yourself! (Recorded November 2022)

Humanities Sponsored Research Showcase

In the past year, several of your colleagues who pursue humanistic methods have successfully secured funding for their research projects. Join us  to hear about their research projects and their experience applying for funding. (Recorded Dec. 2022–March 2023)

  • Anne Heath ()
  • Wayne Tan (, )
  • Natalie Dykstra ()
Samples of Successful Proposals from Hope College

Nyenhuis Grants

Towsley Research Scholars

  • Arts and Humanities, 2022